tempo top five 5




Tempo Top Five : Nov 30

We find, we think, we share : links that caught our eye.

This week’s Tempo Top Five features coffee-powered buses, a luxury magazine’s foray into the global apartment market, and the latest retail use for VR…


1. Lifestyle magazine Monocle set to launch luxury apartments 

metronome tempo top five news monocle apartments

Source : The Guardian


After carving out a niche in the luxury property, travel and lifestyle space, the 10-year-old magazine is about to launch a series of residential projects across the globe. First stop? Bangkok, in a partnership with luxury Thai property developer, Sansiri.

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2. London buses to be powered by coffee

metronome tempo top five news london bus powers coffee

Source : Mashable


With the average Londoner drinking 2.3 cups of coffee every day, the amount of coffee waste equates to around 200,000 tones per year. Now, tech firm Bio-bean is using it to create fuel to power some of London’s iconic double-deckers, giving them a morning caffeine jump-start like the rest of us…

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3. This modular house can be built in just 6 hours

metronome tempo top five news madi homes modular

Source : Madihome


Prefabricated homes are nothing new, but the improvements in construction techniques mean the job of putting them together is getting a whole lot easier. These M.A.DI. homes from Italian firm Area Legno require no concrete foundation and are ideal for creating temporary living zones following natural disasters (they’re earthquake-resistant, too).

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4. RMIT creates scale to predict how shareable your content is

metronome tempo top five news rmit predict shareability content

Source : Marketing Mag


Consumers love social media, but building a piece of shareable content is no science. Or is it? Researchers at RMIT University have developed a scale to determine why people share content online. From making themselves look good to communicating their self-identity, check out the list of reasons people share.

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5. Big brands using VR to train employees

metronome tempo top five news vr employee training

Source : MIT Technology Review


Startup Strivr was first created to help train US football players who could only access the field for a certain amount of time. But is now its VR capabilities are in demand for another purpose – creating ‘flight simulators’ for a range of jobs.

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