


Tempo Top Five : Dec 12

We find, we think, we share : links that caught our eye.

This week’s Tempo Top Five features a VR plan from Airbnb, an innovative retail space for startups and yet another crazy use for drones…


1. Airbnb plans to offer virtual reality tours of listed properties

Source : Airbnb


Feel like 17 images of your holiday rental aren’t quite enough to get the idea? Airbnb has the answer, with its plan to build virtual reality tours of its listed properties. The tech could allow users to take a walk through every room of a home before setting foot in it.

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2. Retail space designed to help startups

Source : refinery29


The Edit is a new retail space in Long Island’s Roosevelt Field Shopping Mall that gives exciting new brands a chance to show their wares alongside the big players. The permanent pop-up space allows a rotating roster of online startups to bring their brands and products into the tactile real world.

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3. A stretchable battery could revolutionise wearables

Source : digitaltrends


Birmingham University in New York is developing a new kind of flexible battery aimed at eliminating the need for hard, traditional batteries, which could lead to more practical and comfortable wearables. The fascinating yet slightly disgusting news? It’s powered by sweat…

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4. Soon you’ll be able to power your home with your car battery

Source : wheelsmag


With the likes of Tesla making the biggest waves in the battery-powered home of the future, car brands are also looking at this potential market. Mercedes-Benz is just one of them, with plans to enable owners of their cars to power their homes using the car’s battery whilst it’s parked in the garage.

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5. Japanese firm uses drones blasting music to send staff home

Source : newatlas


Hardly a week goes by without someone coming up with a new use for drones. Here’s another. In a culture of long working hours and overtime, Japanese company Taisai is using drones fitted with speakers to fly around their offices and drive people out on time by blasting loud music at them.

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